Monday, June 24, 2013


  1. Very nice. Are you using some vertex painting on the base of the tree, or is that one unique texture?

  2. Thanks!
    Everything but the alphas are tiling textures. The tree was vert painted and rendered in Unreal :)
    *updated the post to include textures

  3. Ah, thanks for throwing those textures in. That foliage looks really great. Looking forward to seeing more! :)

  4. This is great stuff ! like the tree and i really love your ground plants and grass i think those turned out really good .

  5. Thanks Dan!! <3!
    I have a new appreciation for your ground texture talent..its tricky!
    But, plants are mega fun to do..The thing im doing now calls for moar plants, but plants have to wait till i finish the building. Ill post it Wednesday, sans plants.
